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Subject: experiences w/CS2X vs XP10?

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Original Message 1/4                 Date: 07-Dec-01  @  03:08 PM   -   experiences w/CS2X vs XP10?


Posts: 37

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Alright, I've come down to either a CS2X or an XP10, and I just wanted to check with everyone to get any insights/input before the cash leaves the pocket. its most likely going to be the Yamaha, because of the greater number of features, and it does look like it offers much more control than the XP. Although, I've heard from more than a few user reviews that the XP offers better quality sounds than the CS.

It'll be pretty much for bedroom use only, no performing out.

Anyone have the chance to use both of these? Comparisons?

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Message 2/4                 Date: 07-Dec-01  @  05:31 PM   -   RE: experiences w/CS2X vs XP10?



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if *you* hear the XP and like the sounds better, that's one thing, but don't be misled by user reviews of subjective stuff like sound. I hate the way the e.g. Nova sounds, but that doesen't make all those happy Nova users wrong, right?

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Message 3/4                 Date: 07-Dec-01  @  06:30 PM   -   RE: experiences w/CS2X vs XP10?


Posts: 2707

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One thing I can say for the CS series: I've had my CS1X for 3 years now, and even though I have a Virus and Nord Lead now I still occasionally use it. And it's my studio's main controller right now.. It's still useful even though I've upgraded to other gear.

As always, your mileage may vary  


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Message 4/4                 Date: 18-Dec-01  @  12:11 AM   -   RE: experiences w/CS2X vs XP10?

Bastiaan (Hajee)

Posts: 1309

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Hmm...from what I know the roland is more a bread and butter synth whilst the cs2x has some very good dancey sounds in it as well. The cs2x might not the end all killer synth but it is a lot of fun to use and when you've got 256 preset performances and 256 user performances to play with it's quite easy to ignite your creativity. I think the fact that not only a great number of home studios boost a cs2x's or cs1x's but also quite a few pro studios speaks for itself. The cs2x is very immediate, clearsounding and offers a lot of fun en instant enjoyment. The Roland xp10 is rather decent and i've seen it used a lot by band's or those people that entertain at weddings.

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