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Subject: Absynth fading away...

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Original Message 1/4                 Date: 06-Mar-02  @  04:14 PM   -   Absynth fading away...



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Dono if any of y'all may have had this problem as well- but thought I'd atleast check. I installed absynth last night and was playing with it a bit, all seemed to be working well until I would open one of the editing windows (i think)- and then I could actually hear the sound of a pressed key fade away- and then no sound thereafter. The quickest fix I've found so far is to reboot, but this seems to happen quickly enough though after loading that I can't really do a damn thing with it! I donno. It seems strange that this would happen because I wouldn't imagine it being a setting that someone would choose to occur. Any ideas??


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Message 2/4                 Date: 06-Mar-02  @  04:46 PM   -   RE: Absynth fading away...



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did you install it already before?... all i can think is, s.card drivers are not selected right or flakey, or the proggy is not installed right. Was this using it as a standalone or a plugin (does absynth pc-version install as a vsti?.. i never checked that.. the mac version is a VSTi)

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Message 3/4                 Date: 06-Mar-02  @  04:53 PM   -   RE: Absynth fading away...



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File?:  No file

I was just thinking a moment ago that I might have success trying it as a VSTi. I was using it standalone last night. I'm using the mac version with the driver set to soundmanager. Might I need to have OMS running for this to work as stand alone properly?? just guessing..


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Message 4/4                 Date: 08-Mar-02  @  07:56 AM   -   RE: Absynth fading away...


Posts: 720

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[image file]

i had the same ploblem. i would just swith the
asio driver to sm and then back to my card
and it reset itself.

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