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Subject: Why is there no boards here? Hey!!!

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Original Message 1/3                 Date: 31-Dec-01  @  02:34 PM   -   Why is there no boards here? Hey!!!


Posts: 24

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There shud be alot of boarders here..i have the Vius Rack and just love the instrument..and after the new OS update to 1.5.1 with 3 more sound banks..i am impresd about Access. I write "sysex"
for trance/dance meolodic music and he Virus do that job very god..I am also very choosy about sound quality and listen to the sound alot. Before i had a waldorf XT with sound very close to the Virus with + and - .

I have 2 problems with the Virus witch i wonder
if eny one else has..

1. When i turn the volum out from the Virus or via headsetts i can hear huge noise from it..not sure it it still is there afther the new OS..the noise is not notible at normal volum. This never happen with my old waldorf..Even my JV2080 is more noise quiet.

2. The sound diver supplyd with the Virus
cant show all the new sound from the New OS.
is there eny way to udapte this light version of Sound diver?

Hope there is more ppl who using Virus out there
or the Virus Rack

Ragards and Happy new year.

Thomas - Tecscoper
www.mp3.com/tecscoper (listen to the notum wings made with the Virus rack)

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Message 2/3                 Date: 31-Dec-01  @  06:22 PM   -   RE: Why is there no boards here? Hey!!!


Posts: 472

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Hello Thomas,

you can download an update for Sounddiver Virus OEM from www.access-music.de.

www.mp3.com/Immigrant --> some Virus tracks too ;-)

Happy new year

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Message 3/3                 Date: 08-Jan-02  @  06:47 PM   -   RE: Why is there no boards here? Hey!!!



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Hey thx  

i gona listen do does tracks

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