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Subject: Backup: How to?

Pages: 1

Original Message 1/2                 Date: 01-Sep-01  @  06:29 PM   -   Backup: How to?



Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

I am about to load the latest OS to my Nova, and before I start I would really like to take backup of my sounds etc. The problem is that I don't know how to make sysex backups on the nova (or any other gear if that's relevant).

It is written in the manual how to load the new os but not how to make backup of what you already got on the nova. By the way, my choice of sequencer is Logic Audio

Thanks in advance!

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Message 2/2                 Date: 01-Sep-01  @  09:56 PM   -   RE: Backup: How to?


Posts: 7627

Link?:  Link

File?:  No file

im sure it is in your manual

heres the basics

create a midi track. I always put it on "any"channel

set that track up to record.

get to your sysex page in the nova. dont know where it is? RTFM 

hit record on the sequencer

hit "execute" or whatever it is on the nova.


some sequencers have to be set to receive sysex. Cubase filters it out unless you tell it differently

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