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Subject: Supernova 2 setup problem - Help!

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Original Message 1/2                 Date: 20-Aug-01  @  07:31 PM   -   Supernova 2 setup problem - Help!


Posts: 28

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Hi guys,

I've got my XV-3080 routed through my Supernova 2.
The current setup is using both the SN2 inputs.
SN2 is used to trigger the midi events on the XV-3080.
In other words... I play the SN2 keyboard while the midi data is being transmitted to my XV-3080, which produces an audio output to my SN2 again. The purpose of this setup is to filter the XV-3080 audio output with my SN2.
The following problem is occuring:
When I play the SN2 with a special patch (using for osc1 & 2 both the audio inputs) the amplification enveloppe is also used. This means that when I release a key the amp.env.-release setting is used. This is easily fixed when I switch this setting to 127 (which means no release at all).
But this way every time I touch a key, a new never-ending note is played and this causes the sound to transform, etc... So that wasn't a solution.
Then I used the constant gate setting on my SN2 to produce a continuous audio in/ audio out flow. But with this setup the sound becomes louder when more notes are played.
The amp.env. loudness adds up to the constant gate loudness... so that didn't work either.
Then I tried switching the amp.env.attack to 127 (no attack at all), so the amp.env isn't used. This way the only sound heard is from the constant gate setting. But this isn't quite satisfying because the audio sounds not "full" enough...

I hope somebody knows an answer to this, because it's really frustrating.

Anyways... thanks for reading..


Cyrex / FMC

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Message 2/2                 Date: 21-Aug-01  @  02:18 PM   -   RE: Supernova 2 setup problem - Help!


Posts: 28

Link?: Link

File?:  No file

To simplify the above:

How can I prevent the amplification envelope to have any effect on the sound from the inputs? So only "constant gate" produces sound?
Is there a way to route the audio input signal through the SN2 except for the envelopes?


Cyrex / FMC

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