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Subject: How to create the perfect bassline

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Original Message 1/19                 Date: 03-Nov-98  @  03:05 PM   -   How to create the perfect bassline


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Dear acid freakz,

I've been working with my 303 for two years now and made some really nice acid tracks.

But.....I still haven't created THE bassline wich has that "wink" groove. That bassline which you can hear for 3 hours and still can't get enough of.

Is there any1 that can give me some tips 'n tricks on how to create the "perfetct" bassline?

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Message 2/19                 Date: 03-Nov-98  @  03:52 PM   -   RE: How to create the perfect bassline

Looney Boy


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Practice I guess? I think we are all trying to achive that. But some advice try not to copy any one else or you will always have people say...That sounds like Wink, or HardFloor, or Phuture, and so one. Be creative. If it sounds good to you thats all that really matters.

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Message 3/19                 Date: 03-Nov-98  @  03:55 PM   -   RE: How to create the perfect bassline



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Practise? Hmmmm, then I should give up my job.....

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Message 4/19                 Date: 04-Nov-98  @  08:34 AM   -   RE: How to create the perfect bassline



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How nice THAT would be!

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Message 5/19                 Date: 11-Nov-98  @  01:26 PM   -   RE: How to create the perfect bassline



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Hmmm, Maybe by taking drugs (many musical pro's made good experiences with it)
A weed-cookie should be perfect 4 that use.

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Message 6/19                 Date: 11-Nov-98  @  02:29 PM   -   RE: How to create the perfect bassline



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I did that already. Also did it with some XTC and magic Mushrooms. Everything sounds absolutely f****g nice and heavy at the same time. But after you come around the shit just doesn't sound the same.

But I have to agree with you that the bassline sounds much better. Perhaps everybody should smoke a joint listening to my acid tracks. Perhaps I should supply every piece of vinyl with some grass????? hehehe....


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Message 7/19                 Date: 11-Nov-98  @  10:38 PM   -   RE: How to create the perfect bassline



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I've just maked a 303 line for my new song. I think it sounds very good! I did 2 lines that work against itchather (did I spell that right?) Anyway the first line I don't tweak anything, just keeping the cutoff low and resonance full, for that great bass. The other line I have full resonance and mess alot with the cutoff. Probably you've done this already but when you have two lines at the same time it sounds alot lot lot better!!!!!! See ya!


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Message 8/19                 Date: 12-Nov-98  @  02:36 AM   -   RE: How to create the perfect bassline



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Send me your song, Id like to hear it.


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Message 9/19                 Date: 12-Nov-98  @  03:08 AM   -   RE: How to create the perfect bassline



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the perfict baseline......um,I dont think winx has that,or hard floor for that mater....im probly going to get reemed for that !!!....Im sorry,Im just more into the hardtrance side it.....but seriesly I think a good 303 line tosses notes around in a molodic way that cant be done with out step programing.....I think thats the key.And as far as the perfect baseline goes....it depends on your intent on listening to it(your groove)......keep progamming,make shit that YOU get into......that when people like,when its real.....peace

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Message 10/19                 Date: 12-Nov-98  @  04:17 PM   -   RE: How to create the perfect bassline


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Nothing is perfect....and if it is what is the point in living? Nothing will ever be perfect. If so life would get boring.....

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Message 11/19                 Date: 12-Nov-98  @  07:44 PM   -   RE: How to create the perfect bassline



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Your damn right about that!!!!! OK, Let's kick some shit outta this 303 wicked machine! YAAAAHHHHOOOOO!!!!!!

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Message 12/19                 Date: 13-Nov-98  @  11:37 AM   -   RE: How to create the perfect bassline



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ReZo-99, I haven't finished my song yet, going to put in some vocals and mix it properly.
But I'll be back when it's finished, see ya!


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Message 13/19                 Date: 17-Nov-98  @  03:55 AM   -   RE: How to create the perfect bassline



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usually the bassline will come in time. there has been so many times when i sat down for hours trying to figure out a really good baseline. it sometimes just comes to you. just don't get frustrated. as long as you keep practicing. it will come in time, plus while you practice you might come out with new ideas, thats what happens to me. i'll work on one track, and end up with 5 new songs, its a beutiful thing. lsd seems to help me out sometimes too. it keeps your head into the music and helps you concentrate more.

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Message 14/19                 Date: 17-Nov-98  @  12:42 PM   -   RE: How to create the perfect bassline



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Yeah, I know. Sometimes I just sit for hours and try to program a melody which is in my head.... You guessed. This 303 thing isn't programmable the way you want.

But anyway as you say it keeps the spirit going....

Another thing which works fine by me is to create a total different music style as you normally do. Right now I'm workin' on a "Big Beat" kinda thing. With lots of bleeps and so on. Normally I produce techno/trance tracks up to 150 BPM.


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Message 15/19                 Date: 17-Nov-98  @  03:55 PM   -   RE: How to create the perfect bassline



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hey, one thing to try is to add my accent inverter switch.. it has made many of the patterns I thought were terrible sound very good! Or you could do it manually, but for live stuff and instant gratification the accent inverter is great.
If you can work a solder iron, you can add this mod with minimal cutting up of your 303 or 777. All it is is a toggle and 3 wires. No added circuitry.

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Message 16/19                 Date: 23-Nov-98  @  01:32 PM   -   RE: How to create the perfect bassline



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A bassline should be simple and direct,but comply somehow with the groove created by your beat
so much depends on your beat,try to make it fit in there by punching bass notes out between
kick drums,then adding more notes at random,but always begin with a clean pattern usually
in time with bass drums.Try low cutoff ,mid resonance,low envelope 303 for some punchy low
stuff,or some synths will get you a cool smooth sustained low end,another extreme that hits
hard...these are my opinions ...hope they help somebody....please E-mail me here in Ireland
for extra waffle. lmikhs@eei.ericsson.se oh and watch out for Global Dance Initiative coming
to your planet before 2K....free CDs on request ...peace..Keith.

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Message 17/19                 Date: 10-Dec-98  @  09:35 AM   -   RE: How to create the perfect bassline



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If you think your bass line sounds boring, try taking out the batteries and re-inserting them after a while. Haven't tried this myself because I don't own a TB, but I heard that this way you get _exactly_ what you wanted! ;-)



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Message 18/19                 Date: 11-Dec-98  @  02:24 PM   -   RE: How to create the perfect bassline



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i myself am quite inexperienced at music production
but i would of thought there is no set formula for producing
a good bassline or any form of music.you could adhere to
genre standards and norms and produce something new but
ultimatly hundreds other would of been thinking along
somewhat similar veins.good music is not about settings
or equipment or whatever,it should be about individual
expression, and the emotiveness and the funk will be
the measure of your succcess.
Am i talking shit here?

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Message 19/19                 Date: 12-Dec-98  @  03:18 AM   -   RE: How to create the perfect bassline



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amen........in the tracks that really grab me,there is a diffined,almost equation like pattern to it.What makes it unique is the notes used and how the artist uses them....hey tubbs,I dont care how inexperienced you are,or what anyone else says,that is how music is made.....just remember that you are expressing you and not someone else's formula.but I agree fully.............does this mean I also am talking shit!)peace

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