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Subject: *Anal*ogue Purists

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Original Message                 Date: 04-Mar-01  @  04:35 AM   -   *Anal*ogue Purists

ReZo 2k1


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I'm just curious if all you purists recomend VHS/Beta over DVD? Or are you still watching old film strips? How anal are you?



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Message 11/17                 Date: 04-Mar-01  @  04:52 PM   -   RE: *Anal*ogue Purists

Local Boy

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Well if you wanna go to extremes does that mean that you prefer virtual sex to the real thing, or a Pot Noodle to a home cooked meal? VA's are different from analog and certainly not a substitute, but thats not to say they don't have their place. Personally I prefer analog, but I also like FM, sampling and VA. Another thing worth remebering is that because real analogs are so much richer than digital, it can be difficult to use too many in a mix, that's when I reach for my VAs, because of their thinner less rich sound they normally fit the bill. Let your ears be the judge.

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Message 12/17                 Date: 04-Mar-01  @  06:20 PM   -   RE: *Anal*ogue Purists

ReZo 2k1


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Haha! I was drunk last night and wanted to see where this topic would go. I wasn't trying to offend anyone. Just thought it would be funny. = )

I seem to have got my jollies off! Heh!

For "Eat Me", if you knew me you'd know how much I love analogs. I just don't have that "fuck all digital shit" attitude. I own analogs and digitals and I'm happy with all my gear. Just like Below Freezing said, "i mean c'mon a sound is a sound for christ sake its down to the individuals tastes and choices".

Now if any of you are as smart as you say you are, apply that knowledge to music. Stop collecting gear just cause every other techno head wants it and pump out some tracks.

In fact, post your mp3 links here. I'm more than down to check out everyones music.

BTW, James, that shit was hella funny about the Crayons! = )


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Message 13/17                 Date: 05-Mar-01  @  12:18 AM   -   RE: *Anal*ogue Purists

Silver Droid

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Sick track, eh James? "Make it...do it....work it...."  

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Message 14/17                 Date: 05-Mar-01  @  12:50 AM   -   RE: *Anal*ogue Purists

ReZo 2k1


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Max Beta, you can multitrack on VHS too. ADAT.


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Message 15/17                 Date: 05-Mar-01  @  02:30 AM   -   RE: *Anal*ogue Purists

Below Freezing


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actually if you think about it Beta is a lil better than VHS cause the tapes r smaller,funny when you think about it.i mean if you take all that bolox off b4 a move you know all those stupid trailers of films yer never gonna wanna see,im sure the tapes themselves would get smaller lol

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Message 16/17                 Date: 06-Mar-01  @  03:41 AM   -   RE: *Anal*ogue Purists

909 Inc.


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Both analog and va synths are
awesome. I would be very happy with
either a jupiter 6 or a virus. Analog
filters sound wayyy better than virtual
filters. It really comes down to the
sound you want. If you're making a
track with a nice warm synth line that
is going to be heard and filtered, I
would use analog. But, thanks to
digital technology, we can make
shole tracks on just one synth
(mulit-timbral) . We have a lot of
technology at our disposal.

Oh yeah, and Pete is lying, he is a
analog purist, I brought my pulse
plus to his house the other day and
he slapped me and wouldn't let me
in because the pulse has a digital
led display indicating program

909 Inc.

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Message 17/17                 Date: 06-Mar-01  @  03:44 PM   -   RE: *Anal*ogue Purists

ReZo 2k1


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Haha! You still remember that? ;~)


ÂÑÅLöG ¤ ßi+©h3§ =)

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