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Subject: MC-303...Trash?

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Original Message 1/12                 Date: 21-Apr-98  @  02:18 AM   -   MC-303...Trash?



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What do you all you nice 303 freaks think of the MC-303? (KEEPING IN MIND THE FACT THAT ONE CAN BE FOUND FOR ABOUT $450 US) I'm thinking 'bout getting an MC-505 or a 303, but from the samples i've heard on the web, they both sound the same. I'm not plannin on paying $1200 for a damn TB, so any true opinions on the 303 would be much appreciated.

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Message 2/12                 Date: 21-Apr-98  @  03:51 PM   -   RE: MC-303...Trash?


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Lets just say I bought 1 and wish that I'd used my money on something more useful. As for the 505, I couldn't say. I have read on the net that they are far better than the 303 though. If you can afford to spend big, think perhaps of the Nord Modular - looks nice!!

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Message 3/12                 Date: 22-Apr-98  @  12:32 AM   -   RE: MC-303...Trash?



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Anyone who believes that the mc-303 is trash needs to spend a little more time with one. The patches were recorded with a 16-bit processor, which accounts for the lack of tonal quality. But, and this is a big but, it did have step recording which is a huge feature that many machines out there don't have. Now as for the mc-505: this is the bomb. I've had one for two months and haven't been out of an idea for more than two seconds. There are too many awesome new features to mention in even an hour, but the sounds were recorded with a 24-bit processor which means all of you analog people out there won't complain. The mc-505 is the best box i've seen.

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Message 4/12                 Date: 17-May-98  @  11:25 PM   -   RE: MC-303...Trash?



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Don't waste your money on a MC-303 if you want that acid sound! It's a piece of shit when it comes down to acid! It won't scream for shit...actually, the MC-303 is a piece of shit by itself. It's a goddamn rack unit with a few databases of samples and demos to make it look good along with a little keyboard smacked onto it. The percussion isn't bad, but why buy the thing just for the drums? Also, it can't send MIDI, there's only a MIDI IN.

As for the MC-505, it's shit on a stick. Same as the MC-303, but just more sounds, and a cool beam controller in which you use your hand movements to control thr resonance and such, but like I said, don't expect squelching or any real acid sounds. Also, the two MC's don't offer real synthesis, so you can't really make your own sounds...

Like I've been saying everywhere, if you want that 303 sound, get RB-338 and an MCR-8 to control it. Or, if you want something to really wrap everything up, get the mother of all; the Korg Z1.

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Message 5/12                 Date: 18-May-98  @  04:30 AM   -   RE: MC-303...Trash?



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The filters suck big time on the 303!! It's good for drums, & the sequencer is fun, but that's about it. I had 2 of them. Traded the first for an SH-101 + $200. And the second i sold for $450 & just bought a Drum Station. If you want GOOD "acid", get the real thing. It's a bit too pricey, but makes up for it in the sound. Ask around, if you're willing to pay the obscene price for an MC-505, just buy a TB & a drum station. Or an MC-202:0)

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Message 6/12                 Date: 18-May-98  @  10:28 AM   -   RE: MC-303...Trash?



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Why is everybody complaining about the MC-303?
I bought one last year, and I must say that I wanted to sell it, but I didn't. I think that if you realy spend a lot of time on/with it you get realy good results.
You only have to remember that it is based on samples!

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Message 7/12                 Date: 18-May-98  @  10:32 AM   -   RE: MC-303...Trash?


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samples...yeah, that's the problem. I just wanna create my own sounds!

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Message 8/12                 Date: 19-May-98  @  05:53 AM   -   RE: MC-303...Trash?



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lets all grap two spoons and bang them together to create some sounds.. or maybe we should all just hum along...

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Message 9/12                 Date: 12-Jun-98  @  12:37 AM   -   RE: MC-303...Trash?



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i have a mc303
i have conclude 1 thing it is a toy piece of shit
good for 30 min of fun.
what should i buy .
is the ravololution 309 any good.
does the 505 sound the same as the 303
does the rav 309 have a true midi out or not.
SM e

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Message 10/12                 Date: 12-Jun-98  @  10:45 PM   -   RE: MC-303...Trash?

celtic dream


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I'm one to steer away from 'all in one' boxes.........I have a JP8000 and I dont think I left its side since I got it(6 months ago)!!!!!!

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