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Subject: 777 sequencer mods

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Original Message 1/1                 Date: 15-Dec-98  @  07:17 PM   -   777 sequencer mods



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Well, the mods are picking up a little momentum after a rather slow start. Ok so far the mods that will be available will be (drumroll please!) Accent:Invert/Skip Glide:Invert/Warp/Skip Accent to OSC2 GATE:invert/skip/off Accent to OSC2 GATE to Filter: invert/skip/off Accent to Noise Gate:inv/skip/off

The full mod adds 14 (!) switches and 5 led indicators! The indicators tell you visually when a particular funtion is activated in real-time so you know what setting a function has and how it lands in the measure. Need a variation or want to sound a little different without having to redo you whole pattern? Just slap a few switches and watch the sequenced madness unfold! By using the invert functions on the Accent and Glide in real-time you can activate accents and glides manually!

Turn around time for this mod is about a week from my recieving your machine to the time it ends up on your doorstep. Cost is dependent upon how many features you want added. A fully modded machine will cost $200 including shipping.

Email me for details or see the 777 homepage!


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