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Subject: The Return of Togo

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Original Message                 Date: 17-Oct-04  @  02:00 PM   -   The Return of Togo

Togo Peffin

Posts: 69

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'Shoulders' is finished. Togo has news. Togo is working on the next album. Togo hopes to call it 'An Egg Hatches and the Wrong Animal Comes Out', but Togo is unsure about whether 7161 will let Togo have a title so long. Togo encourages you to hear his first album. Togo welcomes you to place feedback on this forum. Togo thanks you for reading. Togo gently reminds you to start listening to 'Shoulders'.
Dr. Togo Peffin

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Message 41/55                 Date: 23-Oct-04  @  04:07 PM   -   RE: The Return of Togo


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togo , creo que la musica no es buena ni mala, solo es una question de sintonia, cada musica expresa algo , no necesariamente musical qu existe en el mundo y alguna gente se reconoce en ese algo.
o sea no creo que se pueda medir la musica por su simplicidad o su complejidad.
la musica compleja es un atributo del jazz o de la musica progresiva de los 70 que le da mucho valor a la armonia pero poco a la busqueda sonora,pero tambien existen otras aproximaciones.
lo que quiero decir es que en grupos como neptunes o timbaland no hay un enfasis en la cuestion armonica sino mas bien un trabajo sorprendente en el equilibrio de la mezcla, en transmitir pinceladas mas gruesas, en tratar de extraerle un groove a algo tan estatico como las maquinas, en restar en lugar de sumar. i mean, no siempre tenes porque comerte una ensalada de frutas para estar satisfecho, si pensas asi , el sabor de una simple naranja te va a parecer poco y sin embargo....
btw, your espaņol is exelent

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Message 42/55                 Date: 23-Oct-04  @  04:10 PM   -   RE: The Return of Togo



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could you two whisper more quietly please?

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Message 43/55                 Date: 23-Oct-04  @  04:55 PM   -   RE: The Return of Togo

Togo Peffin

Posts: 69

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Gracias, Horacio. Yo creo que la musica mas alta es la de los que tienen ambicion de ser diferentes, los que tienen una gran vision, como senor Zappa. Has mencionado el jazz - has oido algo de Chick Corea? Toca musica con temas espanoles y con una estructura muy compleja. Su musica hace que la de los Neptunes pareza tan sencilla y aburrida ........
Clay - don't be so mean-spirited! Why don't you learn Spanish? After all, you've got about 19 Spanish-speaking countries below you.

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Message 44/55                 Date: 23-Oct-04  @  08:16 PM   -   RE: The Return of Togo


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ambiciones de ser diferentes, come on togo i like zappa but in the 70's everybody wants to have 20 fingers in each hand. i think you don't get the point what i'm tryn to say, i mean virtuosismo is not the only way to apreciate music. minimalism is important now as in primitive music.
btw , lo hiciste otra vez , tu respuesta a mcc acerca de aprender espaņol porque tiene 19 paises abajo me hizo reir un monton. como ves tenemos un sentido del humor parecido asi que mi manera de apreciar la musica no neceariamente tiene que ser equivocada.
mcc, don't take care, it's only the old battle rock jazz against pop

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Message 45/55                 Date: 24-Oct-04  @  02:33 AM   -   RE: The Return of Togo

Togo Peffin

Posts: 69

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Es claro que me falta la habilidad de expresarme claramente en espanol. NO quiero decir que virtuosismo es la sola manera de hacer gran musica. Solo te daba un ejemplo de cuando 'la musica tocada' gana la guerra ante la programada. Estoy de acuerdo con lo que dices sobre el minimalism. Bob Dylan, musicamente, es muy sencillo, pero me gusta tanto como Zappa.

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Message 46/55                 Date: 24-Oct-04  @  02:47 AM   -   RE: The Return of Togo



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togo...what do you mean below me? i live in san diego..california. the heart of azatlan.
one reason i don't speak spanish is so my amigos have to actually speak english
once in awhile....instead of their native mayan or aztec or inca.
spanish was never their native language....though they certainly found it was smart to adopt it in the name of the kings and queens of spain and their ruthless gold-digging henchman...jesus christ and perhaps a sword always at the ready>pointed at their wrists as a little reminder as to what was a suitable language to be speaking.

they do...though begrudgingly at times.....especially when i'm allowed to take the time to really explain my meaning.
i'm absolutely sincere in my belief that my compadres will never negotiate a better deal for themselves here in america if they can't fully communicate their needs desires and grievances beyond.....
si senor. no senor.
i know the multi-millionaire customer of mine who chewed me out last week wouldn't have accepted my apologies explanations and me telling him he was being unfair and melodramatic> had i pronounced it to him in spanish.
he has lots of work for someone with a ready command of the requirements and subtleties of an enterprise such as his.
he's agreeable to the manner in which i communicate with him and the fact i barely blinked when he cussed me out last week.
i accept fuck as a proper word....used properly it can express many things sometimes more effectively than other words.
i don't remember you guys mentioning the term....coolero.
is this used in argentina? it's used here A LOT.
i'm not saying spanish is a lesser language....not at all.
especially in a musical context it can be a MOST BEAUTIFUL language.
but it's not my language.
just as i spoke fluent japanese until i was 14 and then i announced i'd no longer speak the language as my mother would never fully learn english were i to coddle her in her native-tongue when she had made a decision to move HERE...where> hello mom....engrish spoken~sank you.

on the 1-on-1 here....if upward is indeed northward....then what i'm saying now is probably the single-most important thing any spanish or asian or african speaking person can grasp and struggle with if they want to know any quality of life beyond pure servitude...unless of course they're arriving with a satchel of money already in hand.

or drugs perhaps.

after all.....this is america.


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Message 47/55                 Date: 24-Oct-04  @  03:55 AM   -   RE: The Return of Togo

Togo Peffin

Posts: 69

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'Native language' is a tough term. Indeed, all Spanish-speaking nations 'below you' wouldn't have been thus had it not been for los conquistadores. Just like the Norman invasion of England in 1066 gave English about 60% of the words that you and I use daily. I was only joking, though. I think it's a shame that you've not kept us the Japanese. There' s nothing wrong with an extra language or two hanging around in your head.
As for your amigos, the problem is that they have to adapt like this. If western companies, the modern-day colonists, cared for fair trade, and if there were good opportunities for the people of the nations south of yours, people wouldn't have to head north, unless they really wanted to. I confess that this issue involving NAFTA, immigration etc is complex and I don't fully understand it, but I can see from here that it's a screwed up situation. Surely you agree that it would be better if they didn't have to 'negotiate a better deal' in the way they do?
And, coming from the UK, where the Hispanic community is pretty miniscule outside London, I've never seen the term 'coolero'.

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Message 48/55                 Date: 24-Oct-04  @  05:13 AM   -   RE: The Return of Togo



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coolero (asshole) is probably the most commonly heard term to describe another man profanely but shy of calling him a fucker (puto).
you can use coolero generally without getting into a fight....but it really depends.

but to counter my own argument...i can see where many of my hispanic friends can easily reject any opportunity to have to hear my multi-millionaire client curse in english or any language after giving solid days of 110% effort. fuck that. he'd rather bust his knuckles up under some car fixing a transmission and arguing and chuckling with his homies in their native=spanish (not inca maya or aztec) and going home and watching some boxing or football or futbol whilst grilling some carne and drinking muchos cervezas. that's the life here.

anyway...i wasn't trying to start an argument ya know....just trying to keep the flow

and yeah...as for my japanese leg which i lost back in the war......
had i not lost that i would've simply worked my way through to the top of some japanese corporate chain....feeling more japanese than american in MANY ways.... but not revealing any trace of an asian gene in my appearance...i would've been an unsettling element in the corporate realm i think.
i think war and battle were just too much a part of me on a molecular level for me to live a happy life as a businessman.
i would've just taken it all too seriously....as all's fair in love and war eh?

i've never regretted taking a different path.
i always knew there'd be no money in making art but i also felt there was little art in living a life where everything was about making money.
but i am happy to say my daughter tomi...who turned 25 yesterday...is a serious working graphic artist in LA doing some very nice things and being paid handsomely for her efforts.
now she's got a drop of the gene peeking through her...but she looks russian or something.
damn....and now she's 25!!!!!!!!!!

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Message 49/55                 Date: 24-Oct-04  @  05:54 PM   -   RE: The Return of Togo


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well my english stink but we can comunnicate in some way.
coolero is not a usefull term in my country.
mcc iin the place i live people are sons and daugther of european inmigration in first years of 20 century, and spaņol is our native language. i think no matter at all language you speak, for try to speak another language is to feel i'm in other place, not real place, i mean , is how when you make music, you are in other place that is not exactly your place.
i like fantasy and imaginary world, as brians wilson said, people'd wants to be in the place where music is.
i haven't a romantic opinion about american "discover", i really hate every way to dominate people, and i think incas or aztecas used to fuck every little tribe they can. don't forget to think about them like empires, of course what spaņoles did to him was a shit.
i think some people is crap and some just not.
to blame in americans is too easy in my country, but it will be better if we look at our weakness
btw, i'd love to learn japanese. i love japan culture

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Message 50/55                 Date: 25-Oct-04  @  12:47 AM   -   RE: The Return of Togo

Togo Peffin

Posts: 69

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But Argentina's getting through some tough economic problems, no? How's the situation now? The media here aren't talking about it anymore.

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