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Subject: Richie Hawtin last night at Centro

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Original Message 1/14                 Date: 11-Oct-01  @  08:36 PM   -   Richie Hawtin last night at Centro

Matt Hutch


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So did anyone else see Richie Hawtin last night at Centro-Fly?

IMO, if you didn't, you didn't miss much. The highlight of the night was when his integrated laptop turntable apparatus (what is it called?) went haywire unbeknownst to him.

Funniest part bout it was that he didn't realize until like 10 minutes later.

It all started as an intermittent scratching sound, kinda like scratching a record, only nastier. Then it started happening more freqently. Soon it was happening constantly, only he couldn't hear it in the booth for some reason. It was like this blistering tin foil pain from hell digital scratch sound, over and over and over. Only it was happening rythmically, like his fancy lil turntable apparatus was etching a digital sample back and forth creating clip and bloody-eared clip. So it was happening rhythmically, so in a weird way, it kinda worked. So as half the dance floor looked to one another in confusion, the other danced like crazed babboons!

But as for the rest of his site. I mean, I was really expecting more. I saw him last year at Twilo, which was a good show. And I mean, last night at centro was a good show too. But its been a year and would expect a little more growth from an dj of the character.

Perhaps this is totally unfair. Perhaps I should only ever expect to hear style X from Richie Hawtin. But for some reason, I went out last night expecting to hear more than the old 'raise the high pass filter for a couple measures, bring in the next track, drop the sub-bass, open the filter' over and over and over.

I expected to hear suprises, I expected to hear the sound of techno moving forward, advancing in some way.

Instead I heard rehashed, re-worked, recycled records, one a carbon copy of the next.

Can someone please set me straight?

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Message 2/14                 Date: 11-Oct-01  @  10:17 PM   -   RE: Richie Hawtin last night at Centro


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i thought we concluded that techno has gotten rather stale over last years. no? that was in some thread in music tech chat.

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Message 3/14                 Date: 12-Oct-01  @  01:16 PM   -   RE: Richie Hawtin last night at Centro


Posts: 424

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DE9 definately isn't the huge advancement that I'd been led to believe from reviews.

How can techno advance? At the end of the day it's stereo sound and a lot of different things have been tried.

I suppose the best you can hope for is a decent sounding track that has a great hook, but I can't say anything because I like pumping out run of the mill bass techno.

Never mind, cos what what keeps you going is the idea that you might just find that killer hook that makes a difference, if you've convinced yourself that there is no-where to go then you into the wrong kind of music IMO.

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Message 4/14                 Date: 12-Oct-01  @  03:46 PM   -   RE: Richie Hawtin last night at Centro


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hell i got a couple of synths that seem like they can produce damn close to near any sound possible, and they're all greatly controllable from a sequencer. i guess it's just too much bother for most people to really implicate that.

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Message 5/14                 Date: 12-Oct-01  @  04:12 PM   -   RE: Richie Hawtin last night at Centro


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I always found it strange when people that actually made music complained that a certain genre isn`t what it was, seems as if it would be easier to just not complain and actually make the stuff you think the music should be. Or somethig like that.

and thats not slating anyone, just an observation.

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Message 6/14                 Date: 12-Oct-01  @  05:09 PM   -   RE: Richie Hawtin last night at Centro


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you're not coming to my birthday party now.

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Message 7/14                 Date: 13-Oct-01  @  08:13 PM   -   RE: Richie Hawtin last night at Centro


Posts: 1076

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Soon as I found out you weren`t going to have jelly, ice cream and pass-the-parcel I decided I wouldn`t go anyway.

you lost me there btw.

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Message 8/14                 Date: 13-Oct-01  @  11:55 PM   -   RE: Richie Hawtin last night at Centro


Posts: 6231

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thanks steve.. it's nice to be reminded of things like pass the parcel. u.k./u.s. thing. i'd have buggered off a long time ago if it wasn't for things like that  

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Message 9/14                 Date: 15-Oct-01  @  03:43 AM   -   RE: Richie Hawtin last night at Centro


Posts: 52

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So, what's up with his new gadget? I read an
interview and was intrigued but not really
informed. Something about a turntable interface
for controlling files... Anybody know more?

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Message 10/14                 Date: 15-Oct-01  @  09:17 AM   -   RE: Richie Hawtin last night at Centro


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from my pal gian, evidently it allows you to control mp3s from a table with convincing realism. needs a 500mHz or better apparently. there's supposed to be a video demo of it up somewhere. he's a selective chatter so i doubt more info is forthcoming from that osurce.

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