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Audioindy.com  -  dance/electronic

When i am Asleep

When i am Asleep_image Artist: SoundCircel Play this track streamM3U stream link
Track-time: 3.56 Download this track fileDownload file
Date-added: 29-Oct-05 Bookmark and Share
Last-updated: 29-Oct-05

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Do you know the feeling when you are between being awake and falling asleep ? The feeling when you are at the point of no return ? You are still awake but you're also almost sleeping, you know you are going to fall into that sleep and there is nothing that can stop it. You mix reality with the world of dreams into a surrealistic state of mind, sounds you hear are entering you're dream, is it reality or dream ? who knows...... This song was written in the beginning of my period of sleeping a lot. I noticed that when i fall in sleep during the day, i have these strange crazy liquid dreams. Afterwards i was even more tired then before. This is an attempt to capture those feelings in music.

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