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FS FFF ARTS COMPLEX   -   details

Welcome to the Fair School/Forcefields Forever Arts Complex. Here you will find musical material by a manifold group of artists created at the Complex.

The FS/FFF Arts Complex and Center for Musical and Metaphysical Research has, since 1963, provided a secure, luxurious home for artists and musicians to fully express themselves to their fullest extent. Though it has moved a few times in it's history, it remains a bastion of creativity and support in it's current home in Puerto Rico.

Our approximately 12 million square foot compound of buildings and landscaping boast all the pleasures of a resort such as pools, spas, and tropical gardens, as well as all the modern amenities including state-of-the art kitchenettes in fully automated guest apartments, world-wide-web computer access, and a closed-circuit video conferencing system.

The most important component of the complex are it's extensive suites of studios, equipped with the latest technology for musical and artistic expression. Though we pride ourselves on riding the cutting edge of recording technology, we devote roughly half of our space to traditional equipment and techniques. We possess one of the northern hemisphere's largest collection of analog technology.

Our music and art research libraries are among the most extensive in the entire world, containing reference materials covering all forms and eras of artistic expression. We have an extensive collection of original films and recordings chronicling the development of music performance and recording since the 19th century, as well as many original canvases and sculptures by the world's most important artists. Our libraries also contain impressive collections of philosophical and esoteric texts as well.

Funded by private investors, the Arts Complex is a non-profit organization whose goal and emphasis is to support and enable the independent artistic searcher. Artists live in the compound free of charge so long as they complete the body of work outlined at the beginning of their stay. Guests are encouraged to collaborate and to perform in the compound's many live music venues. Studio collaboration between various wings is done simply and easily via the complex's audio/video network. Legendary groups have been founded here. Indeed, not a few babies have been born here to parents who fell in love on our tropical grounds.

The FS/FFF Arts Complex and Center for Musical and Metaphysical Research is proud to present to the public select items of the latest-breaking workers and thinkers of the musical world.

Please enjoy.

Kitlist details

Grain of Salt: is a hip hop duo from New York. They are currently working on new material for an upcoming EP.

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Play this track stream grain of salt: instant recognition
Play this track stream grain of salt: hi-fi distraction
Play this track stream grain of salt: sorry
Play this track stream grain of salt: hidden under leaves
Play this track stream grain of salt: wunderground
Play this track stream grain of salt: jacques

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Vega Alta
United States



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