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Audioindy.com  -  dance/electronic

GREASE   -   details

Based in Hong Kong, GREASE started out in 2001, playing loud cover versions of rock music from the 80's to date. It has been a constant struggle in this alien environment not being able to reach out to a larger audience mainly due to the fact that they have stuck to writing songs in Nepali. But music is a universal language and GREASE has been lucky enough to play at Wan Chai Live, Carnegies regularly for the past two years. In 2004, GREASE participated in the World Battle Of The Bands and the Yamaha Asian Beat Competition. In between they have been rocking at numerous Nepali events on and off and considering the hectic life of Hong Kong they grind themselves to the core to create the music they love. GREASE take their music seriously, but never without sacrificing their trademark urgency.

At present, GREASE is working on their debut album, a collection of Nepali songs based on life here in Hong Kong, blended in their own style of rock, all recorded at their very own studio.

Kitlist details

SHARAD uses Ibanez Bass Guitars...Hartke Amps...Zoom Pedals...
SEAN G_AGENDRA uses ESP Guitars...Yamaha Pacifica Strats...Marshall Amps...Zoom Pedals...Boss Stompboxes...Digitech Whammy...Cry Baby...Ernie Ball Strings...
KHEM uses Ibanez Guitars...Line 6 Amps...Zoom Pedals...Digitech Multi-Effects...Ernie Ball Strings...
GANES uses Pearl Drums...Zildjian Cymbals...

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Play this track stream Maanis (Grease Mark 1)
Play this track stream Mukti (demo version)
Play this track stream Raktha Path
Play this track stream Adhuro Sapana

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Heavy metal


Hong Kong SAR
Hong Kong



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