Hi, my name is nutoniom and i make annoying "music". It all started in childhood where I was severely reprimanded for playing with knobs, all kinds: the T.V., the radio, domestic appliances of all sorts and my very own. I overcame this childhood trauma by acquiring a whole lot of knobs for my self to relentlessly tweak.

Disclaimer: Due to the very erratic nature of the process, I cannot be held responsible for any Brain DamageŽ sustained by you whilst listening to afformentionned "music". Listen at own risk.

New track !!

A new track was posted to my page, it's called Vodstok 11, a minimal yet hypnotic number featuring my first ever synth: the Panasonic RF-2600 and it's lovely BFO ( beat frequency oscillator) wich was retrieved for my mum's house a little while ago. Used to drive her nuts with it, hope i can do it to you too :)

Link: click to listen

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